Thursday, August 18, 2011

First day of school

My daughter's first day of school is tomorrow...I'm trying to decide what to do with her hair.
I sectioned it today...6 sections total...put the bottom four in twists, divided the top from ear to ear...put in a twist going one way...and a twist going the other way.  Looked cute...may tweak it a bit tomorrow.
I will post pics:)))))

Starting a new blog!!!

I am starting this blog because I am the adoptive mom to TWO princesses that just happen to be biracial. I am caucasian.  I have learned how to deal with their specific type of hair...and I have seen posts by lots of people that have questions about this type of stuff...SO in honor of my BROWN princesses.... HERE'S my blog.

I will try to post pics of hair dos as I go...and if you need any further resources I will be happy to direct you.

If you know absolutely NOTHING....don't'll learn. It CAN be overwhelming....just take it a step at a time and don't worry if it's not perfect.